Cite it Right, the Easy way….
Start using EasyBib,: a valuable tool to cite and manage sources for writing papers and to avoid plagiarism. No matter what assignment you are working on, and whatever types of information resources you are citing, EasyBib can handle them!
Key Features:
- Covers APA, MLA, and Chicago/Turabian documentation styles
- Generate a citation from over 58 types of sources, with prompts to assist you
- Track and save your work (Register & setup your account)
- Ability to create multiple projects for different papers/assignments
- Context sensitive help and online tutorials based on "the rules" to guide you
- Generate a book citation from just the ISBN, a website from its URL, an article with a DOI, and more
- Save as a Google Doc or Print as Word document
- No advertisements
- Cite your sources
- Build your bibliography as you go
- Print or export it to Word or GoogleDocs!
You will still need to review and modify the citations, as the content is only as good as what you supply;or what data is pulled from the provider.
This is definitely a tool you can use! Keep track of your research and sources and generate your bibliographies on the fly. Compiling your bibliographies just got easier, with EasyBib.
Stop by the Library Reference Desk for an EasyBib lesson!